Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Date Night

Tonight I'm going on my first online-related date. If you want to get really technical, I actually saw her last weekend while I was out with friends. This girl, I'll call her Seville (she studied abroad there), seems pretty friendly, and she's realy cute.

I think that since we've already had a run-in (and she had drinken more than me), I'm under less pressure to be witty/funny/etc. Hopefully some of that will still show up and I'm not a complete drag.

The general plan is that Seville and I will meet at a photography show (apparently her father has a picture in it), and then it's up in the air. I think we both assume we'll grab drinks, but are there some other good options, even with this awful weather? As much as I love ice cream, I'm guessing that she won't be into it with a 30 degree wind chill.

Other than that, online dating isn't going great. I think that one more girl stopped emailing me, and I feel like I've gone through every single female profile of a cute Chicago girl (hint: they usually want a white guy over 5'11).

So at least I have this date. I have to say, it's been quite a while since I've been on one, but at least this girl will know where Wisconsin is.

Any last minute suggestions for an alternative to drinks?

1 comment:

  1. You could bring her out to a wildlife trail and dig a hole and bury a bulb. Tulips are always planted in the fall. And you'll be able to see if she's afraid to get dirty. You can learn a lot by a person just by the way that they dig. Go for it. :)
