Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are, Where the Interested Girls Are Not

Tonight I went to see the aforementioned movie with Seville. Let me tell you: it's awesome. I'm not even some gigantic fan of the book, but Spike Jonze keeps rolling out the hits. Definitely worth seeing if you want to remember all of those uncertainties of childhood that make it so great. As publicized, it's probably not the best flick for kids just because they have to go through childhood in order to reminisce, right?

As for Seville, she also really enjoyed the movie, so that was a plus. Like last week, we grabbed a drink afterward to talk. Now I don't know if it's just me, but I don't think she's having fun at all. She laughs at the really stupid jokes of mine (not sure if it's genuine or faked), but I thought it would be more obvious if she wanted to see me again. This time around, I didn't say the blatant "This was fun, let's do it again," which I can only assume she was thankful for.

Now I don't have any wild crush on this girl or anything yet, but she does seem interesting, and she's definitely really cute. I wish I could just know what she thought. Of course I can't just say what I'm thinking--that would be too easy. It would take all that mystery away and make things logical. Instead, I've decided to just not call her again unless she calls me. If she calls and suggests something other than a date where I'd be spending money on her, then at least she doesn't think I'm a complete idiot. And if she doesn't call back (within say...a week/next Friday), then I guess I have my answer.

The lesson of the night was that you should never park your car at the AMC River East Theater because it'll cost you $30.

What are some signs of an interested girl? Tonight there was none of that leaning forward, flipping hair, motion-mirroring stuff that I've read online. And if those are the actual signs, then I guess I know then.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about the "signs." I find myself doing the opposite sometimes. You just can't read people like that.
    But if she laughed at your stupid joke, that might actually be a good thing.

    Call her if you want to. If you don't want to, then don't. If she's thinking the same thing (you're kind of interesting, but still trying to figure you out), she's probably not going to do the calling.
