Tuesday, January 26, 2010


When your doctor tells you to get the staples in your head removed in 7 to 10 days, don't wait longer. If you wait 12 days, it will be wildly painful, and you'll curse at the clinic nurse taking them out.

Also, when you switch jobs, you need to sign up/pay for COBRA extended insurance, or you'll have to pay as if you never had insurance.

That is all

Sunday, January 24, 2010

This Job Seems Way Better

So I've had this new job for two days now, and it seems a lot better than my previous job. I'm pretty nerdy, so that just means I get to do cooler finance stuff.

Also, I'm dating Mary now. I haven't really had a girlfriend in a while, so I'm not sure what feelings are normal. Mary's a great girl, and I like her, but I don't know if I could say that I'm crazily out of control for her. Is that weird? Or do people grow to become even more attracted to one another after time? For the time being, I think I should be all right, though.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year, New Job

Wow, I've got to start posting again. For both myself and you 5 to 7 people out there. Haha.

I've been lightly looking for a job since early November, but hadn't had much luck with Monster.com. It's a good site, but there are just a ton of people looking (as if you needed anyone to tell you that). In mid December I got a call about a company in the suburbs, so I went to interview. Within a week, I had an offer. It should be a good opportunity, so I'm pretty excited about that.

Coffee with Kayla went generally well, but I didn't really feel like our personalities matched. We've randomly chatted since then, but I'd be happier just being friends with her.

Instead, I've been seeing a lot more of Mary from Match. We have a similar sense of humor, and so far it's working out pretty well.

My match.com subscription is now over, so I figure I'll give a short review.
-If you're in match (or another dating site), it's a safe assumption you're not going on a ton of dates. So in this case (either if you're a guy or girl), just try to go on a bunch of them.
-Don't expect every person you email to email you back. Maybe about 10 to 20% will, in which case, you (again, guy or girl) should ask them out. It's online dating. No one cares about gender roles.
-The numbers are much more slanted toward females, but that shouldn't be a big deal.
-I think you get more comfortable "in real life" around people you're interested in.

So if you followed my other posts about match, I guess I kind of take them back. I think I went on about 6 or 7 dates over those 3 months. So for $60, it was worth it. Would I do it again? I don't think so.

It's 2010! Do you do resolutions (or keep them)? What did you do for New Years Eve? I went to Girl Talk and it was wild.