Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Going a little Better

So I didn't manage to not drink over the weekend at all, but I did manage to stay sober. I guess that counts for something. Last weekend was much needed. Friday was pretty low key, as a few friends and I went to some UK Village bars. One friend brought along a seemingly great girl. I say "seemingly" only because I don't know her too well. Thankfully, she was from out of town and I didn't ask for her number. I didn't find out until the next day that I probably wouldn't be the type of guy she'd go for, but that's okay. Her general love of music was almost intimidating. Take the years that I began to like certain "obscure" bands, then subtract two. That's when she got into them.

I also met a homeless man with a pretty good attitude. His name was Carl. Even though he placed a lot of faith in God (which I don't), he was determined to keep a smile and learn from his mistakes. I had always known that there are millions of people out there who had worse situations than me, but Carl drove it home. It was during my wait for the bus that I knew that I needed to quit being so negative about things. I hope it lasts.

On Saturday, a friend from out of town came. Even though I don't think I ever had a real conversation with him before then, I invited him over to hang out for a few hours. It turns out that he's a really good kid and has a great outlook on his life. I could use more of those people around. I'm sure we'll keep talking and he'll do well (despite his lack of knowledge of being able to align his goals with the current financial system).

I think I want to find a new job, but I'm not quite sure. I think about a lot of the more negative aspects of my job and the fact that they aren't challenging. Sometimes I wonder if I'm ignoring the difficult parts because I'm afraid I can't complete them. Nevertheless, I'd like to get into something different. Ideally, I'd stay in Chicago and find something better, but who knows. If I moved, I think I'd need pretty substantial compensation, which might not come. I guess we'll see about that one.

I'm beginning to become less attracted to Jane at work (which is good), but I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I know she would never be attracted to me. Either way, I guess it works. I'd like to think that if I switched jobs I would ask her on a date, but that's doubtful. I think that any girl I talk to about dating issues subconsciously joins a club of girls who would never be attracted to me. For the most part, it's fine with me. The problem is that I tend to get to know a lot of these girls better and sometimes become re-attracted. Who knows though?

As usual, I talked to the gym employee (who I'll call Casey) who I wanted to ask on a date today, along with her friend/coworker. Casey was looking exceptionally cute, but I would be more than happy to simply be friends with her and meet up every so often. I did the whole Facebook thing where I sent a message saying this and sending my number, but I don't expect her to ever mention it. As her coworker is very nice, I think it'd be pretty strange to ask her on a date instead, considering that she's the one I inquired about Casey to. Probably should skip that too. I think there's a good chance that I'm one of the worst people at picking up on if someone is interested or not. Usually I assume "no" and forget about it. But it seems like every time I think "yes," it was still a no. Maybe if I go out this weekend I'll have the balls to say something to another girl. I'm just never sure what to say. Maybe if I had some type of flow chart, it would be easier.

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